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Available Online
50,000+ Audience Reach Podcast
We run ads and partner with influencers to promote your company/ personal brand!
1 hr1 hOnline Meet Up!
257 Canadian dollars
Service Description
In this package, we not only offer you a recorded podcast episode, but also, an engagement boost. Get quick results with no effort at all! Follow our 3 step process: 1. We record a podcast episode featuring you and your brand. 2. Our team creates and publishes the following to our social media platforms, your social media, and our social media influencer partners, specifically targeting your niche and accumulating 50,000 + audience reach. - 5 reels - blog post - podcast episode recording 3. You watch the magic happen and we send results once completed. It is that simple!
Contact Details
14191 Burrows Road, Richmond, BC, Canada
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